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Dr. Phil Episode "Saving Money, Tips And Tricks"

At the moment I'm watching a recorded episode of Dr. Phil, about money saving tips and tricks, featuring the Economides family. I'm busy typing a list of pointers that they offer for saving money, and as I'm doing so, can't help but keep score on our family (yikes ;)

Here goes:

Stock up during sales - I do this sometimes, but need to be more consistent.

Buy food in bulk and freeze (vacuum seal meat to prevent freezer burn) - we do this! We have a Food Saver vacuum sealer, which we use all the time (btw it works extremely well).

Buy at thrift stores - I do this sometimes. There are certain things I won't buy used (such as undergarments or shoes), but 80% of my kids' clothes are used, and as I sit here typing this, I'm wearing thrift store jeans.

Don't buy big - DING! Guilty. Have to work on this with DH, although he's not entirely to blame ;)

Avoid debt - we're trying hard on this one, but until we budget and learn to not spend more than we make, this will continue to be a challenge.

Live below your means - this one is tricky. I think DH and I are both a bit in denial about how things add up.

Use creativity instead of credit - hmmmm.... sounds interesting!

Embrace a thrifty lifestyle - I confess I do enjoy cutting coupons, comparing prices and looking for deals. Not all aspects of being thrifty are painful.

Shop with a list - we're good at this one :)

Plan menus ahead of time - I've done this in the past, but honestly I haven't noticed that it really made a difference. I guess it would depend on the type of meals that each family eats.

Use coupons - I'm good about this one! I even combine coupons with sales for even greater savings (patting myself on the back ;)

Buy bread from bakery outlets - we have a McGavin's bread basket close by, and it's amazing how much cheaper their bread is.

Shop in more than one store - we do this too - we have several stores that we choose from, and create custom lists for each.

Eat leftovers - DH takes leftovers for lunch to work :)

Don't buy what you don't need - this is one we have trouble with :(

Put a jacket on water heater to insulate - I think I'm going to look into this one, although our water heater is new and more energy efficient already.

Close heat vents in rooms not being used - LOL our house really isn't big enough for this to apply...

Bring in competitor flyers and many stores will match prices - I've never had the nerve to try this one - I think I just might.

As I type this, I'm thinking hmmm, instead of blogging, I should be clipping some coupons ;)

'Bye for now!

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Katrina said...

I watched that episode today too! I was impressed by the kids in the Economides (spelling?) family! They were so reasonable and sweet. I hope that my kids turn out that well. As for the tips I thought they were pretty good- but I do a lot of those things already. Plus living in Korea, we are limited in shopping options.

Jeanne Elle said...

I agree about their kids - wow, so sensible and mature! I loved what the Mom said about sometimes kids just need to hear "no". OMG that's my mantra... I admit we indulge our kids, but there are times when I say no simply because they need to be ready for the real world. (I'm not sure I say it often enough though ;)

water saver guy said...

“Because saving water makes cent“…I believe you can save big money when you save water. I wanted to add by showing you an overlooked product that will help save the planet, Save Water and Save Money , its called a dual flush toilet conversion kit for your current toilet. They cost much less than a new toilet, around $40.00, and install in a fraction of the time as a new toilet. A leader in the industry is SelectAFlush, take a look and save water today. This product will not lower your toilet performance like placing a bottle in the tank and your toilet will not go to the dump so your recycling. The SelectAFlush blog also contains many other green and water saving tips .

Unknown said...

Hello Ive been reading your blog and really like the information. I didnt know about the bread savings and your post about the cold/hot water was interesting. I already fixed that (or I think i did). I dont know how I found it but I found a coupon site for dirctv refer a friend offers as I had to switch to digital tv and was happy to find a referral offer for $100 off. Do you know of other refer a friend offers?